I've been asked this and pondering it for a little while now and want to first say - I cannot answer this question for all polytheists, traditions, belief systems, religions, or witches. That is between you and your Gods. I can only answer this for myself.
For me, the answer is yes, witchcraft does have a place in my Northern Pagan Tradition polytheism, specifically within my place as an earthly handmaiden to Frigga. One of the best ways to explain it, I think, would be to share with you a piece of my practice with Frigga.
A woman I know only through friends was in the hospital. Her baby was born early and was in NICU. I felt strongly that I should pray for her, even though we had never met. I went to Frigga and I asked that she lay her hands on this mother and child, to heal the child or, of the threads of Wyrd say that the child must not be with us in Midgard for long, that She ease the child in a painless passing and give the mother strength and compassion.
Frigga said she would be there for the woman and child, but that I must do the work. Nothing comes for free.
She instructed me in the making of a cap for the child and in a poppet and carrier for the mother. The cap was easy but I had no idea what I was doing with the poppet. The carrier was crocheted out of white wool (I used white acrylic for the cap for fear the baby might have a wool allergy). It was a small pouch, about the side of my palm, with a long strap so that the mother could wear it or hang it near the bed. I gave instructions to my husband to carve a wooden poppet in the form Frigga showed me. I then took it and carved on the belly the rune Berkana and coated the poppet in chamomile and a blessing before putting it within the carrier. I sent the piece on its way and knew that Frigga would be there with them.
The creation of a magical poppet or items of protection and healing are prime examples of witchcraft.
For an example of manifestation or modern, new age, or energetic witchcraft:
I decided to get back to work on creating a business around 6 months after my son was born. I felt ready. I also felt a little scared because I wanted to be successful, to do good in the world, to live my purpose. I went to Frigga to ask for guidance and help. She told me to stop reading tarot at events - my largest source of income before I had my son. This was not what I had in mind when I asked for help. I asked what I should do if I couldn't read the tarot at events. She said for me to trust Her, do her work helping other spiritual mothers, and to focus on my writing. She would see me through it if I had faith and did what she told me to do.
I said my affirmations, wrote them down, envisioned myself as a successful spiritual adviser to other mothers. I did all the manifestation ju ju I could think of and I had faith in my Lady.
It worked. Not only do I now have the first draft of a book I know in my heart will not only sell but touch the hearts of other mothers in the world but I am also making money writing articles in areas that I feel passionate about, I have a new method of tarot reading that is more beneficial to clients than any event reading could be, and am even taking a class on returning divination to an act of sacred service with a teacher I have long admired. All that in 6 months and I'm only just starting.
To me, our Gods might guide us, comfort us, protect us, teach us, etc. However, we have to do the work and, for some of us, that work is witchcraft.
Monday, October 24, 2016
Friday, October 21, 2016
A Devotional for Frigga (call for submissions)
Frigga has asked for a devotional.
It makes sense. She is Queen of Asgard, wife of the All-Father Odin, Mistress of Fensalir and shares the throne of Hliðskjálf. She too bears a great gold necklace of lore and has a retinue of Goddess handmaidens who are all great and powerful in their own right. She is a Seeress and Goddess of Wyrd and Spinning. She is a hearth-keeper, a Goddess of domesticity, and business minded. She is a Goddess of Mothers - having had 2 sons and lost one. She is a Goddess of diplomacy and has chosen the winner of battles as well as stopped battles from being fought.
With all of this and more - Frigga is more than deserving of devotions...and yet...where is her devotional? I've looked for one. I've found so many to Odin, Her husband. His following is great. I've found devotionals to other Gods, including a few of Frigga's handmaidens, some of which have a following larger than the Queen Herself. While Her shrine is lovely, her prayers are many, and most Heathens acknowledge Her, I was saddened not to see Her books. Yet, I didn't think much of it until She told me it was what she wanted.
I cringed at the idea at first. It felt like a awefully big undertaking.
I did my research, I meditated and...I admit...I procrastinated with excuses - the holiday season is coming up, surely we should wait until after that. No.
When I went to Her in prayer for another recently, I asked if there was any work I could do to insure that this friend's need was met. Frigga was not pleased with me and sternly told me
"Do what YOU are SUPPOSED to be doing!"
I knew she meant the devotional. I slunk away and began my work on the Call for Submissions. '
Calling all who honor the Queen of Asgard. Seeking prayers, rituals, recipes, poetry, essays, tales of encounters, stories, and fiber craft tutorials created for or inspired by Frigga.
Submissions should be under 10,000 words and any photos should be visible in grey-scale. If submitting a fiber art tutorial, please include a picture of the finished product. Previously published pieces are welcome so long as you have permissions and rights to them.
Please send submissions by April 1st, 2017 to my email address - ddfbryant (at) gmail.com with the name of the piece and your name (or pen name you want the piece published under) and the piece either in the body of the email or attached in .doc or .docx. After the book is published, I will contact you for your mailing info to send you a complimentary copy of the devotional.
Devotionals will be published through Asphodel Press.
I am thrilled to be working on this project for the beloved Queen is due for some attention I think.
Hail to the All-Mother!
It makes sense. She is Queen of Asgard, wife of the All-Father Odin, Mistress of Fensalir and shares the throne of Hliðskjálf. She too bears a great gold necklace of lore and has a retinue of Goddess handmaidens who are all great and powerful in their own right. She is a Seeress and Goddess of Wyrd and Spinning. She is a hearth-keeper, a Goddess of domesticity, and business minded. She is a Goddess of Mothers - having had 2 sons and lost one. She is a Goddess of diplomacy and has chosen the winner of battles as well as stopped battles from being fought.
With all of this and more - Frigga is more than deserving of devotions...and yet...where is her devotional? I've looked for one. I've found so many to Odin, Her husband. His following is great. I've found devotionals to other Gods, including a few of Frigga's handmaidens, some of which have a following larger than the Queen Herself. While Her shrine is lovely, her prayers are many, and most Heathens acknowledge Her, I was saddened not to see Her books. Yet, I didn't think much of it until She told me it was what she wanted.
I cringed at the idea at first. It felt like a awefully big undertaking.
I did my research, I meditated and...I admit...I procrastinated with excuses - the holiday season is coming up, surely we should wait until after that. No.
When I went to Her in prayer for another recently, I asked if there was any work I could do to insure that this friend's need was met. Frigga was not pleased with me and sternly told me
"Do what YOU are SUPPOSED to be doing!"
I knew she meant the devotional. I slunk away and began my work on the Call for Submissions. '
Frigga Devotional CFS
Calling all who honor the Queen of Asgard. Seeking prayers, rituals, recipes, poetry, essays, tales of encounters, stories, and fiber craft tutorials created for or inspired by Frigga.
Submissions should be under 10,000 words and any photos should be visible in grey-scale. If submitting a fiber art tutorial, please include a picture of the finished product. Previously published pieces are welcome so long as you have permissions and rights to them.
Please send submissions by April 1st, 2017 to my email address - ddfbryant (at) gmail.com with the name of the piece and your name (or pen name you want the piece published under) and the piece either in the body of the email or attached in .doc or .docx. After the book is published, I will contact you for your mailing info to send you a complimentary copy of the devotional.
Devotionals will be published through Asphodel Press.
I am thrilled to be working on this project for the beloved Queen is due for some attention I think.
Hail to the All-Mother!
Wednesday, October 12, 2016
Lesson in Frith-Keeping
I've recently had a problem bordering on a falling out with a friend due to my own misspoken words and thoughtlessness. I've asked forgiveness and the offering of healing between us has been made. We shall see where it goes. In the meantime, I am meditating on Frith and My Lady's hand in my life to teach me to be a frith-keeper and compassionate handmaiden.
Hail Frigga, Frith-Keeper,
You who welcome all to your hall, Fensalir,
Your hospitality and kindness turn foes to friends.
Weaver of Orlog, Spinner of Wyrd,
Keeper of Hearth and Home,
Keeper of the Keys,
You who sit in the high seat,
Teach us to have compassion and open hearts,
To see beyond our prejudices
And our small-mindedness.
Lead us, Lady of the Hall,
To show all whom we meet respect and graciousness.
Beloved of Odin, may our words bind us
And our deeds strengthen us.
Hail Frigga, Queen of the Aesir.
(From the Northern Paganism Frith Ritual)
Hail Frigga, Frith-Keeper,
You who welcome all to your hall, Fensalir,
Your hospitality and kindness turn foes to friends.
Weaver of Orlog, Spinner of Wyrd,
Keeper of Hearth and Home,
Keeper of the Keys,
You who sit in the high seat,
Teach us to have compassion and open hearts,
To see beyond our prejudices
And our small-mindedness.
Lead us, Lady of the Hall,
To show all whom we meet respect and graciousness.
Beloved of Odin, may our words bind us
And our deeds strengthen us.
Hail Frigga, Queen of the Aesir.
(From the Northern Paganism Frith Ritual)
Friday, October 7, 2016
The Unseen Ordeal
The Unseen Ordeal - Another way Motherhood is like Shamanism
With ordeals like Odin’s, it’s nine days and then it’s over. It’s the plucking of an eye and then it’s over. I mean no disrespect, but Sigyn didn’t know when or even if Her ordeal would ever be over. Not to mention no mother ever gets over the ordeal of losing a child, something Odin also understood. But there is no glamour: you do what’s right, and you do it again and again and again, and that’s very unpopular. There’s no glamour, no sweeping gestures, and no one to sing your praises. The heart is a terrible thing.
-Fuensanta Arismendi, Who is Sigyn?
I love this so much. It can be said not only of Sigyn but also of Frigga who strove so hard to keep her son safe but to no end, Baldr's death still came to pass and she lost him.
As a mother of a miscarried child and a mother of a living son - I feel this pain in my heart as well and I mourn for the lost sons and I mourn for the mothers who carry their burdens without end. There is nothing glamorous about being a mother and carrying on with duty without fail. There is nothing shiny about seeing fate and having to accept it.
Susun Weed says mothers are invisible, a woman's work is invisible, so no great tales were told, no songs sung, of what is in a mother's heart, even when she is a Goddess.
My heart is broken for my Gods.
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Sigyn and Loki |
-Fuensanta Arismendi, Who is Sigyn?
I love this so much. It can be said not only of Sigyn but also of Frigga who strove so hard to keep her son safe but to no end, Baldr's death still came to pass and she lost him.
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Frigga and Baldr |
Susun Weed says mothers are invisible, a woman's work is invisible, so no great tales were told, no songs sung, of what is in a mother's heart, even when she is a Goddess.
My heart is broken for my Gods.
Thursday, October 6, 2016
Womb and Tomb
Frigga sent me to Hela.
I wouldn't have thought that Frigga was on speaking terms with the Goddess of Death, Loki's cold daughter, the Lady of Helheim. After all, this is the same Goddess that would not release my Lady's Shining Son, Baldr.
But my Lady is wise and knows that Hela is far seeing and a teacher that will not allow any student to wiggle out of a lesson.
I went to Fensalir for guidance about my lessons in divination. As I approached Her throne at the top of the steps, I saw Frigga standing and in Her seat sat a skeleton in a white dress decked out in crystals. The skull was tilted back and the mouth open wide. Even though the skull was eyeless, it felt like the skull was watching me, waiting to see my reaction.
I was confused and tried not to look at it. The skeleton looked grotesque in its shimmering white dress. I tried to remove myself from its unending sight but it followed me. I could not leave its presence. Frigga watched as well as I squirmed and spoke to Her even as I was unable to look away from the skull.
I thought I would go to Vor, another great Seeress and handmaiden to our Lady. It seemed like the best path for an earthly handmaiden to Frigga who wanted to become a better diviner, but I am not wise like the Gods and Frigga has her own plans for me.
She sent me down a dark road.
Fires burned around me but they were low, dying embers of funeral pyres creating shadows that I dared not peer into too closely. I felt a presence there, buring these embers to guide my way - a presence that was too quiet for me to guess at until He showed Himself to me much later, but that is another vision, another tale.
This was not Helheim, I understood almost intuitively. I was on a boarder road that would bring me to one of Hela's gates. I followed the lit path and entered a cavern. An unseen presence held me back. Ahead I could see a low fire with a cauldron hanging over it. Two chairs were there with a table between them.
A man was seated to the left, golden haired and pointy-faced. He wore his hair in a long bob and had a black and red cape. He seemed angry. He was bargaining with whoever sat in the other chair. Finally, not getting anywhere, he stormed off. He came towards me, not seeing me in his fury, and passed by on to a different road.
The presence that held me back released me. I moved forward slowly. I guessed at what would be in that chair and I wasn't in a hurry to face it.
The skeleton from before waited for me, now in black with only half Her face showing. I didn't sit across from Hela but I also didn't fidget or squirm any longer. I had always known I'd end up here.
I have known about my own mortality almost my whole life. It has been said that childhood ends the moment you know you will die. I'm not sure what caused me to understand that one day I will die at the age of six, but I remember distinctly lying in bed feeling the weight of that knowledge on my chest.
I developed thanatophobia, fear of death, early on and I never spoke to anyone in my life about it until I met my husband. I might not have told him but I was sitting up in bed, feeling an anxiety attack creep over me, and he, jolted by my eradic breathing and trembling, needed to know what was wrong.
I read once that fear of death is a lot like randomly remembering you are being chased by a lion. It is terrifying, comes on at random times, and there is no cure for it according to psychologists. Fear of death can't be handled like other phobias. No doctor is going to suggest you confront this fear because you could die in that confrontation. There is no avoiding it because we all will indeed face death one day.
I struggled with this fear nearly 2 decades. Then, I was pregnant.
It was my second pregnancy and I was confronted with mortality in the way that all mothers are. I'd had a miscarriage and I knew too well I could lose this baby as well. I also knew that maternal mortality rate in the US was higher than it should be. I could die having my baby.
I planned my pregnancy and birth down to the very music I would be listening to as I labored in water at the local birthing center. My fear of death was triggered as I passed my due date, had no signs of impending birth despite my continuous contractions, and my midwives said I needed to go to the hospital.
In short, I needed a cesarean. I could vividly picture every article I'd read the whole pregnancy that told stories of women who died, lost their babies, lost their uterus, and other tales of terror. I knew I was going to die and I was shaking so hard I had to grit my teeth to keep them from chattering.
My family and the nurses all did their best to calm me. I could barely hear them. My world was cold and all I could hear was a strange white noise coming from within me. I turned inward as they prepped me for operation and I spoke into the void that I felt closing around me even in the bright lights over the operating table. "Anything. Take anything. Just let my baby live. Take me. Take it all. Just let him live. Let him live. Live."
My son was born on October 9th at 1:15pm. He was beautiful and real and alive. "Real and alive," I kept thinking over and over as I wept at the very sight of him. The doctors worked on me while my husband held our son to my breast to have his first meal. My anesthesiologist mentioned my blood pressure dropping and I was taken to post-op.
I was alone and I felt the void still there. As I tried to feel my feet and ignore the beeping all around me, I thought about death. For the first time in my whole life, I wasn't afraid anymore. I smiled and wondered, knowing otherwise, if it was the drugs.
I stood before Hela in her skeletal form and understood that I was always going to come here just as I was always going to be a mother. I understood why we were in a catacomb, a tomb deep in the earth with a hearth fire burning. I understood in a way all mothers understand, deep down, primally.
I listened as Hela told me I was sent to her because my journey on the path of divination demands that I see both into the future and into the past. The past is where the dead rule, where Hela has knowledge. The future is a spiraling of wyrd that ends in death, Hela's hand. I can see this now because I have been there, seeing the future held before me in the presence of a crying newborn, torn from my body and covered in my blood.
There isn't much difference between birth and death. Giving life and midwifing death often come with the same hand. They are one, the womb and the tomb.
I wouldn't have thought that Frigga was on speaking terms with the Goddess of Death, Loki's cold daughter, the Lady of Helheim. After all, this is the same Goddess that would not release my Lady's Shining Son, Baldr.
But my Lady is wise and knows that Hela is far seeing and a teacher that will not allow any student to wiggle out of a lesson.
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Robed skeleton from Roman Cataccombs |
I was confused and tried not to look at it. The skeleton looked grotesque in its shimmering white dress. I tried to remove myself from its unending sight but it followed me. I could not leave its presence. Frigga watched as well as I squirmed and spoke to Her even as I was unable to look away from the skull.
I thought I would go to Vor, another great Seeress and handmaiden to our Lady. It seemed like the best path for an earthly handmaiden to Frigga who wanted to become a better diviner, but I am not wise like the Gods and Frigga has her own plans for me.
She sent me down a dark road.
Fires burned around me but they were low, dying embers of funeral pyres creating shadows that I dared not peer into too closely. I felt a presence there, buring these embers to guide my way - a presence that was too quiet for me to guess at until He showed Himself to me much later, but that is another vision, another tale.
This was not Helheim, I understood almost intuitively. I was on a boarder road that would bring me to one of Hela's gates. I followed the lit path and entered a cavern. An unseen presence held me back. Ahead I could see a low fire with a cauldron hanging over it. Two chairs were there with a table between them.
A man was seated to the left, golden haired and pointy-faced. He wore his hair in a long bob and had a black and red cape. He seemed angry. He was bargaining with whoever sat in the other chair. Finally, not getting anywhere, he stormed off. He came towards me, not seeing me in his fury, and passed by on to a different road.
The presence that held me back released me. I moved forward slowly. I guessed at what would be in that chair and I wasn't in a hurry to face it.
The skeleton from before waited for me, now in black with only half Her face showing. I didn't sit across from Hela but I also didn't fidget or squirm any longer. I had always known I'd end up here.
I have known about my own mortality almost my whole life. It has been said that childhood ends the moment you know you will die. I'm not sure what caused me to understand that one day I will die at the age of six, but I remember distinctly lying in bed feeling the weight of that knowledge on my chest.
I developed thanatophobia, fear of death, early on and I never spoke to anyone in my life about it until I met my husband. I might not have told him but I was sitting up in bed, feeling an anxiety attack creep over me, and he, jolted by my eradic breathing and trembling, needed to know what was wrong.
I read once that fear of death is a lot like randomly remembering you are being chased by a lion. It is terrifying, comes on at random times, and there is no cure for it according to psychologists. Fear of death can't be handled like other phobias. No doctor is going to suggest you confront this fear because you could die in that confrontation. There is no avoiding it because we all will indeed face death one day.
I struggled with this fear nearly 2 decades. Then, I was pregnant.
It was my second pregnancy and I was confronted with mortality in the way that all mothers are. I'd had a miscarriage and I knew too well I could lose this baby as well. I also knew that maternal mortality rate in the US was higher than it should be. I could die having my baby.
I planned my pregnancy and birth down to the very music I would be listening to as I labored in water at the local birthing center. My fear of death was triggered as I passed my due date, had no signs of impending birth despite my continuous contractions, and my midwives said I needed to go to the hospital.
In short, I needed a cesarean. I could vividly picture every article I'd read the whole pregnancy that told stories of women who died, lost their babies, lost their uterus, and other tales of terror. I knew I was going to die and I was shaking so hard I had to grit my teeth to keep them from chattering.
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image by Laurie Lipton |
My son was born on October 9th at 1:15pm. He was beautiful and real and alive. "Real and alive," I kept thinking over and over as I wept at the very sight of him. The doctors worked on me while my husband held our son to my breast to have his first meal. My anesthesiologist mentioned my blood pressure dropping and I was taken to post-op.
I was alone and I felt the void still there. As I tried to feel my feet and ignore the beeping all around me, I thought about death. For the first time in my whole life, I wasn't afraid anymore. I smiled and wondered, knowing otherwise, if it was the drugs.
I stood before Hela in her skeletal form and understood that I was always going to come here just as I was always going to be a mother. I understood why we were in a catacomb, a tomb deep in the earth with a hearth fire burning. I understood in a way all mothers understand, deep down, primally.
I listened as Hela told me I was sent to her because my journey on the path of divination demands that I see both into the future and into the past. The past is where the dead rule, where Hela has knowledge. The future is a spiraling of wyrd that ends in death, Hela's hand. I can see this now because I have been there, seeing the future held before me in the presence of a crying newborn, torn from my body and covered in my blood.
There isn't much difference between birth and death. Giving life and midwifing death often come with the same hand. They are one, the womb and the tomb.
Thursday, September 29, 2016
Resources for a Blessing a Baby
I am working hard at putting together a baby blessing ceremony for my son. The ceremony is entirely created by us but we will be pulling from some prayers, poems, and methods we've found on Heathen, Northern Pagan Trad, Pagan, Wiccan, and other baby blessing sites. I thought I would share those resources I am using here. I will go in more depth about the ceremony later.
Pregnancy & Birth in the North Tradition (I mostly just glimpsed through here as my son will be a day away from his first birthday at his ceremony)
Northern Pagan Tradition Blessing for a Newborn
Frigga Goddess of Mothers (prayer)
Frigga Plea to the All-Mother (prayer)
Frigga To Mother in My Fear (prayer)
Prayer to Nerthus to Bless a Pregnancy
Njord Ritual to Bless a Father to be
For Mothers who have lost a child - Sigyn Mother of Rokkr
Blessing for a Heathen Child
Pregnancy & Birth in the North Tradition (I mostly just glimpsed through here as my son will be a day away from his first birthday at his ceremony)
Northern Pagan Tradition Blessing for a Newborn
Frigga Goddess of Mothers (prayer)
Frigga Plea to the All-Mother (prayer)
Frigga To Mother in My Fear (prayer)
Prayer to Nerthus to Bless a Pregnancy
Njord Ritual to Bless a Father to be
For Mothers who have lost a child - Sigyn Mother of Rokkr
Blessing for a Heathen Child
Saturday, September 17, 2016
Friday, September 16, 2016
30 Days of Frigga Day 16 Culture
How do you think this deity represents the values of their pantheon and cultural origins?
A large part of Frigga's work is her role as Goddess of spinning and fiber arts. This is a huge role to a people of a northern land where the winters are cold and harsh and people need warm clothes to survive. Raising wool and flax to make these clothes meant that the crops and animals needed to be well tended AND that the women needed to be skilled and blessed by this Goddess to create clothes to keep them all alive and well.
A large part of Frigga's work is her role as Goddess of spinning and fiber arts. This is a huge role to a people of a northern land where the winters are cold and harsh and people need warm clothes to survive. Raising wool and flax to make these clothes meant that the crops and animals needed to be well tended AND that the women needed to be skilled and blessed by this Goddess to create clothes to keep them all alive and well.
Thursday, September 15, 2016
30 Days of Frigga Day 15 Her Craft
Any mundane practices that are associated with this deity?
Spinning and Fiber Arts:
Spinning on drop spindle as well as spinning wheel
Fiber production from raising fiber crops or animals to harvesting, cleaning, and preparation
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Gebo crochet rune cloth |
Spinning on drop spindle as well as spinning wheel
Fiber production from raising fiber crops or animals to harvesting, cleaning, and preparation
Wednesday, September 14, 2016
30 Days of Frigga Day 14 Worship
Has worship of this deity changed in modern times?
Actually I have no way of knowing. We don't have a lot of lore on the worship of Frigga so I cannot compare.
Actually I have no way of knowing. We don't have a lot of lore on the worship of Frigga so I cannot compare.
Tuesday, September 13, 2016
30 Days of Frigga Day 13 Modern Problems
What modern cultural issues are closest to this deity’s heart?
Galina Krasskova put forward a really good question of - Do the deities care about modern cultural issues? Should they? Is it really any of their problem the mess we create for ourselves down here?
Thats a good question for another time.
Mothers and children in need (of care, protection, food, medical aid, etc) in general.
I'm a particular fan of making crochet caps for premies in NICU as, I've read, many devotees of Frigga do.
Galina Krasskova put forward a really good question of - Do the deities care about modern cultural issues? Should they? Is it really any of their problem the mess we create for ourselves down here?
Thats a good question for another time.
Mothers and children in need (of care, protection, food, medical aid, etc) in general.
I'm a particular fan of making crochet caps for premies in NICU as, I've read, many devotees of Frigga do.
Sunday, September 11, 2016
Spirit of Place: Honoring Our Land Wights
So where does that leave me? Am I therefore a bad person?
I'm sure many pagans think so. I'm already a killer in the eyes of the vegetarians and vegans in the local witchy groups. I have already attributed to the human overpopulation by having a child. I see these accusations and the anger behind them even when they aren't directed at me by name. So we shall add tree-killer and local eco-system destroyer to the list.
That all being said, our ancestors who honored place and Gods and spirits had to have ways of balancing the need to build homes with honoring the spirits of the place they are building in.
I think of this as I take my son out for a walk. How can I honor the spirit of the place where we plan to live out much of the rest of our lives? Can I explain my intentions of creating a garden and horgr and grove after we build? Will that be enough?
With all of this in mind as I push our stroller down the road towards the end circle, I noticed trash all along the way. Grimacing at the cold-coffee cans, beer labels, paper and chip bags and candy-bar wrappers, I figured I would start now. I turned around, went home, and grabbed a paper towel and a garbage baggie. Returning to our walk, I stopped every few feet and collected trash.
At first I grumbled - there is no reason there should be this much garbage on the side of this road. It is a residential area that ends in a circle, meaning no through-traffic. So all of this garbage was littered by people who actually live here. My grumbling went on to thinking of the manicured lawns as green and chemical laden as golf courses in front of these houses. Out abutting neighbors had the nerve to ask us about cutting down trees that were, previously, creating a visual barrier between our land and theirs and yet they have hardly a tree on their whole lot and take every precaution against weeds and saplings.
As a car passed and a neighbor waved at me while I picked up another candy wrapper, I smiled and took a deep breath. I had to change my attitude now or I would only build the whole situation up as a bad deal all around.
Instead, in my breathing and picking up trash, I tried my best to emanate a vibe of courtesy and openness. I sang to my son who grinned at every stop and even waved at trees or things in the trees I was not seeing. I turned my task from one of grudging labor to an offering to the spirits there and the land. I offered my care and work to make this area cleaner and free of human waste.
After this, I made note of other ways we are and can contribute to the land.
- Avoid using chemicals for pesticides and herbicides.
- Planting local wild flowers on the banks by the road rather than attempting to keep a pristine lawn.
- Repurpose the wood, rock, and dirt we remove and use it in other places on the land.
- Nothing is going to waste, nothing is done without thought.
- Even my husband, before cutting down trees, stands among them for a long moment, meditating. He shares with the trees and the land his intentions and gives thanks to them for providing shelter, heat, or the base for his craft as some of the birch here will be dried and used in his woodwork making bowls, pipes, mortars and pestles, statuary, and more.
I'm sure some people will think this isn't enough. I am open to other ideas. This is simply a step on the path.
Saturday, September 10, 2016
Challenge Accepted: Choosing a Polytheist Paganism
I have been reading Essays in Contemporary Paganism from Moon Books and while I expected to be inspired by the essay on parenting or the one on polytheism most, I was, in fact, brought into deep thought on my own practice most by the final article "After Paganism" by Emma Restal Orr. In this article, Orr points out that she has, at times, wondered if she wanted to associate with the term Pagan after seeing many pagans and groups labeled pagan performing acts of defiling nature even as they claim to honor the land they live on. She goes on to delve into the why behind these actions and why they are so common among the pagan community.
"Paganism focuses from the outset on this search for the self. However, in most Pagan teachings, this appears as the be-all and end-all, the ultimate goal."
She then points out the problem of this thinking when it comes to community, "However, all too often, the self-importance of the I takes over, the insecure ego working solely to benefit itself."
While Orr looks at this issue from the perspective of a nature-loving pagan with a focus on the spirituality of the land and conection to the spirit in community, forests, animals, etc. I looked at this issue in regard to practicing Polytheism.
Not long ago I read Polytheism and Devotion on Galina Krasskova's blog. I began thinking of my religion from the idea of pure and total devotion to Frigga and other Gods that have approached me or that I have approached within the Norse pantheon.
In my witchcraft background, I often approached Gods but almost always only to petition for something for myself. If I gave offering it was in act of thanks for receiving what I asked for. Today, I often give small offerings to My Lady from baked goods I create to flowers I've grown or gathered when out for a walk. I have given offerings in petition to the Gods since I began my polytheist practice in earnest but now I do so far less than when I offer simply out of devotion.
When I contemplated this - I often wonder why the Gods would bother with witches at all unless their petition was something that could benefit more than the witch themselves. Why bother with someone who only comes to you when they want something like a spoiled child? Not even a child, at least then unconditional love might be a factor.
While I was considering this, I came across a conversation on Facebook asking why does Paganism have all these little terms and titles like Wiccan, Polytheist, Heathen, etc. Many people explained the need for the separation and labels much like the denominations of Christianity and defined each word. I focused on how Paganism or Witch does not mean Religious at all much less Polytheist.
Orr says in her essay, "It is no wonder that many give up on gods as actual beings when they have chosen to work with a goddess or god simply because they like the list of associations that go with it. Motherhood, fertility, the wildwood, strength, wizardry, whatever it may be, we are encouraged when we find others who can confirm that Cernunnos or Hecate is what we believe him or her to be. But these are ideas, found in books and shared with other people. They are not the gods that we encounter..."
She goes on to point out similar issues in ancestor work when many pagans profess to honor their ancestors but conveniently disregard parents, grandparents, and other close relations who they have issues with either because of religious conflict or other problems.
It is inconvenient to see Gods or spirits as they are when we can easily focus on ourselves and mold them as ideas that we need in the here and now and can readily dispose of the rest.
If, like me, you believe the Gods had a hand in creating our world and the things within it such as teaching us certain crafts like herbalism, blacksmithing, woodworking, how to survive harsh winters, etc - then that alone would be enough to be in Awe of these caretakers and teachers and cause honor.
I honor the Gods even when I don't feel comfortable with them. Odinn is a great example of this as he has come to me since I began working with runes (drawing his attention is often a result, whether desired or not, when working with runes as they are spirits he has close affinity and workings with). Odinn has told me I am his, I told him I most certainly am not, feeling the need to be loyal to Frigga. He just laughed at me. Odinn has many attributes that I would not like to approach or deal with magically or otherwise. These are not energies I am at all comfortable with. Does that mean I do not honor him or give him respect? No, I honor him not only as the husband of My Lady, not just as the All-Father who rules from Asgard, but also as an entity far greater and wiser than myself.
I honor Frigga because she showed me her face in a time when I needed aid to see me through my second pregnancy and first birth of a live baby. She came to me and helped me through long nights and wrapped me in her love when I needed rest. She hasn't always been so comforting - there have been times her words have been sharp and she has given me no room to squirm out of what I have to do in order to be the very best mother, devotee, and witch I can be in this world and community. For this and more, I honor her.
If I had to choose a God to devote myself too, I probably wouldn't have chosen Frigga. I would have chosen a deity that had more information readily available, who had a darker outlook to match my more gothic aesthetic, who had places to go on pilgrimage to or devotees that could teach me and take me under their wing. Alas, I did not choose and Frigga's lore and those that are devoted to her that are public are few. I did not choose Frigga and, in the beginning, confused her omens and symbols that she sent me to let me know she was there as signs of other Goddesses such as Hekate and Juno. I struggled and yet I couldn't be happier now that things have been made clearer even if it is harder to be a devotee to a Goddess that I do not understand, that I cannot fit into a box with a list of associations on a page in a Modern Pagan handbook.
I honor Frigga and her Handmaidens, Odinn and Mani and Njord and the other Gods and spirits because they are greater than me. I honor them because in my heart I knew honoring them is right and good. I can't make anyone else feel that unless they are open to it and I have no desire to instill this feeling in anyone who would come before the altars of the Gods begrudgingly.
Recently, Dver of Forest Door asked Are You Up For The Challenge? Are polytheists up for discussing their rituals and practices of polytheism. I accept the challenge not just for September but beyond as sharing my practice with others with the hope to inspire polytheist and pagan mamas (and non-mamas who are reading) out there is what this blog is about. I figured the first way to do this is the clarify who I honor and worship and why. The who is partially answered slowly in my 30 Days of Devotion to Frigga posts. The why is, in part, answered here.
Orr says, "To be in company with Pagans whose relationships with their gods and ancestors are evident, who are communicating with other entities within nature’s mind instead of talking to themselves, is a true delight."
I agree. I love that Dver is posting this challenge and people are accepting it. I love hearing about the relationships some Polytheists build with the Gods they worship. Not only does reading about these relationships make me feel a little less alone and crazy but it also inspires me to dig deeper. Reading the practices of others either inspired by text and lore or by UPG, inspires me to develop my practices further. Such inspiration can only be for the better when it comes to community.
"Paganism focuses from the outset on this search for the self. However, in most Pagan teachings, this appears as the be-all and end-all, the ultimate goal."
She then points out the problem of this thinking when it comes to community, "However, all too often, the self-importance of the I takes over, the insecure ego working solely to benefit itself."
While Orr looks at this issue from the perspective of a nature-loving pagan with a focus on the spirituality of the land and conection to the spirit in community, forests, animals, etc. I looked at this issue in regard to practicing Polytheism.
Not long ago I read Polytheism and Devotion on Galina Krasskova's blog. I began thinking of my religion from the idea of pure and total devotion to Frigga and other Gods that have approached me or that I have approached within the Norse pantheon.
In my witchcraft background, I often approached Gods but almost always only to petition for something for myself. If I gave offering it was in act of thanks for receiving what I asked for. Today, I often give small offerings to My Lady from baked goods I create to flowers I've grown or gathered when out for a walk. I have given offerings in petition to the Gods since I began my polytheist practice in earnest but now I do so far less than when I offer simply out of devotion.
When I contemplated this - I often wonder why the Gods would bother with witches at all unless their petition was something that could benefit more than the witch themselves. Why bother with someone who only comes to you when they want something like a spoiled child? Not even a child, at least then unconditional love might be a factor.
While I was considering this, I came across a conversation on Facebook asking why does Paganism have all these little terms and titles like Wiccan, Polytheist, Heathen, etc. Many people explained the need for the separation and labels much like the denominations of Christianity and defined each word. I focused on how Paganism or Witch does not mean Religious at all much less Polytheist.
Orr says in her essay, "It is no wonder that many give up on gods as actual beings when they have chosen to work with a goddess or god simply because they like the list of associations that go with it. Motherhood, fertility, the wildwood, strength, wizardry, whatever it may be, we are encouraged when we find others who can confirm that Cernunnos or Hecate is what we believe him or her to be. But these are ideas, found in books and shared with other people. They are not the gods that we encounter..."
She goes on to point out similar issues in ancestor work when many pagans profess to honor their ancestors but conveniently disregard parents, grandparents, and other close relations who they have issues with either because of religious conflict or other problems.
It is inconvenient to see Gods or spirits as they are when we can easily focus on ourselves and mold them as ideas that we need in the here and now and can readily dispose of the rest.
So why should we look beyond ourselves to honor the Gods?
Well, I suppose this is an answer each person who believes in and honors the Gods has to answer for themselves.If, like me, you believe the Gods had a hand in creating our world and the things within it such as teaching us certain crafts like herbalism, blacksmithing, woodworking, how to survive harsh winters, etc - then that alone would be enough to be in Awe of these caretakers and teachers and cause honor.
I honor the Gods even when I don't feel comfortable with them. Odinn is a great example of this as he has come to me since I began working with runes (drawing his attention is often a result, whether desired or not, when working with runes as they are spirits he has close affinity and workings with). Odinn has told me I am his, I told him I most certainly am not, feeling the need to be loyal to Frigga. He just laughed at me. Odinn has many attributes that I would not like to approach or deal with magically or otherwise. These are not energies I am at all comfortable with. Does that mean I do not honor him or give him respect? No, I honor him not only as the husband of My Lady, not just as the All-Father who rules from Asgard, but also as an entity far greater and wiser than myself.
I honor Frigga because she showed me her face in a time when I needed aid to see me through my second pregnancy and first birth of a live baby. She came to me and helped me through long nights and wrapped me in her love when I needed rest. She hasn't always been so comforting - there have been times her words have been sharp and she has given me no room to squirm out of what I have to do in order to be the very best mother, devotee, and witch I can be in this world and community. For this and more, I honor her.
If I had to choose a God to devote myself too, I probably wouldn't have chosen Frigga. I would have chosen a deity that had more information readily available, who had a darker outlook to match my more gothic aesthetic, who had places to go on pilgrimage to or devotees that could teach me and take me under their wing. Alas, I did not choose and Frigga's lore and those that are devoted to her that are public are few. I did not choose Frigga and, in the beginning, confused her omens and symbols that she sent me to let me know she was there as signs of other Goddesses such as Hekate and Juno. I struggled and yet I couldn't be happier now that things have been made clearer even if it is harder to be a devotee to a Goddess that I do not understand, that I cannot fit into a box with a list of associations on a page in a Modern Pagan handbook.
I honor Frigga and her Handmaidens, Odinn and Mani and Njord and the other Gods and spirits because they are greater than me. I honor them because in my heart I knew honoring them is right and good. I can't make anyone else feel that unless they are open to it and I have no desire to instill this feeling in anyone who would come before the altars of the Gods begrudgingly.
Recently, Dver of Forest Door asked Are You Up For The Challenge? Are polytheists up for discussing their rituals and practices of polytheism. I accept the challenge not just for September but beyond as sharing my practice with others with the hope to inspire polytheist and pagan mamas (and non-mamas who are reading) out there is what this blog is about. I figured the first way to do this is the clarify who I honor and worship and why. The who is partially answered slowly in my 30 Days of Devotion to Frigga posts. The why is, in part, answered here.
Orr says, "To be in company with Pagans whose relationships with their gods and ancestors are evident, who are communicating with other entities within nature’s mind instead of talking to themselves, is a true delight."
I agree. I love that Dver is posting this challenge and people are accepting it. I love hearing about the relationships some Polytheists build with the Gods they worship. Not only does reading about these relationships make me feel a little less alone and crazy but it also inspires me to dig deeper. Reading the practices of others either inspired by text and lore or by UPG, inspires me to develop my practices further. Such inspiration can only be for the better when it comes to community.
Why do you honor the Gods?
30 Days of Frigga Day 10 Offerings
Offerings – historical and UPG
I am not certain that I know of any lore that is associated as an offering to Frigga. If you wanted to draw on the lore for ideas however, offering ideas could include a golden necklace/girdle inspired by the gold she stole from Odin to have made into a piece by the dwarves; tears shed in honor of her grief for Baldr and as a promise to weep for him to return; fiber than can be spun such as flax or nettle fibers or wool; a vow of silence regarding divination work...
The following offering suggestions are mostly based on UPG:
Flax is a sacred plant to Frigga in her aspect as a Goddess of Spinning. Forms of flax that might be considered for offerings are items made from linen (flax fabric), flax flowers grown in a place designated to Frigga or put on her altar, and flax seeds (alone or in food).
Birch is Frigga's tree. Birch bark can be made into jewelry, leaves and bark can be used as medicinal tea or in cleansing incense, and birch sap or water can be used as a libation. Any of these items or sacred pieces carved from birch wood can be used as offering. Consider a birch offering bowl, cup, or plate for Frigga.
I have commissioned my husband to turn one of the cut trees from our land into a statue of Frigga for me to carve and decorate for her altar (images to come).
I often bake and try and give Frigga the prettiest piece of my work. Slices of gingerbread dusted with snowy confectioner sugar, barley and flax seed pancakes topped with birch syrup, warm yeast roll with real butter, etc.
Fiber items - any fiber arts piece created for the Goddess can be an offering. On my altar I have a small skein of white wool dedicated to her that I will spin (once my skills at the spindle are a little better) and turn into something for the Lady. I am also making a devotional shawl dedicated to Frigga with crocheted squares each depicting a symbol or story that is part of her lore and teachings (more on that to come).
Offerings of course do not have to be "things." Actions or charitable donations given in Frigga's name can also be a form of offering.
Charities honoring mothers and their children are great places to give money, gifts, or time to in her honor.
Helping out women in the community who have lost a child would be very appropriate.
Knitting or crocheting caps and blankets for babies in NICU is a common act of offering among fiber artist devotees.
Learning to spin, weave, or any other fiber work can be done to honor Frigga as this is an act that she presides over. Taking this a step further and participating or starting a spinning group, guild, etc could also be done in Her name.
Writing devotional pieces such as songs, prayers, poems, stories, etc as well as creating art pieces for her is a fantastic act of devotion.
I am sure there are other ideas out there.
I am not certain that I know of any lore that is associated as an offering to Frigga. If you wanted to draw on the lore for ideas however, offering ideas could include a golden necklace/girdle inspired by the gold she stole from Odin to have made into a piece by the dwarves; tears shed in honor of her grief for Baldr and as a promise to weep for him to return; fiber than can be spun such as flax or nettle fibers or wool; a vow of silence regarding divination work...
The following offering suggestions are mostly based on UPG:
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Scarlet Flax flowers in altar flower box between 3 birch trees |
Birch is Frigga's tree. Birch bark can be made into jewelry, leaves and bark can be used as medicinal tea or in cleansing incense, and birch sap or water can be used as a libation. Any of these items or sacred pieces carved from birch wood can be used as offering. Consider a birch offering bowl, cup, or plate for Frigga.
I have commissioned my husband to turn one of the cut trees from our land into a statue of Frigga for me to carve and decorate for her altar (images to come).
I often bake and try and give Frigga the prettiest piece of my work. Slices of gingerbread dusted with snowy confectioner sugar, barley and flax seed pancakes topped with birch syrup, warm yeast roll with real butter, etc.
Fiber items - any fiber arts piece created for the Goddess can be an offering. On my altar I have a small skein of white wool dedicated to her that I will spin (once my skills at the spindle are a little better) and turn into something for the Lady. I am also making a devotional shawl dedicated to Frigga with crocheted squares each depicting a symbol or story that is part of her lore and teachings (more on that to come).
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Art as offering |
Offerings of course do not have to be "things." Actions or charitable donations given in Frigga's name can also be a form of offering.
Charities honoring mothers and their children are great places to give money, gifts, or time to in her honor.
Helping out women in the community who have lost a child would be very appropriate.
Knitting or crocheting caps and blankets for babies in NICU is a common act of offering among fiber artist devotees.
Learning to spin, weave, or any other fiber work can be done to honor Frigga as this is an act that she presides over. Taking this a step further and participating or starting a spinning group, guild, etc could also be done in Her name.
Writing devotional pieces such as songs, prayers, poems, stories, etc as well as creating art pieces for her is a fantastic act of devotion.
I am sure there are other ideas out there.
What sort of offerings do you give your Gods?
Friday, September 9, 2016
30 Days of Frigga Day 9 Common Mistakes
Common Mistakes Regarding Frigga
1. Frigga is the mother of Thor and Loki
No. No no no no no. Just no.This misconception is based on the comic and movies Thor and is a mistake that never ceases to irritate me.
As you can read in Day 5's genealogical layout, Frigga's children are Baldr and Hodr (some say that Hermond and Bragi might be there sons too). Thor is her husband's son with Jord. Loki is the son of Frost Giants.
The most irritating part of this is relating Loki to Frigga as her son while he is actually the one who plotted the death of her favorite son Baldr - who wouldn't be offended by that? It would be similar to saying Judas was the son of Mary.
2. Frigga and Freya are the same Goddess
This misconception arises from modern Heathens and scholars studying ancient language and the lore.The words Frigga and Freya not only sound similar but have similar meanings of Love, Lady-ship, and Beauty. Both are also wives of Odinn (Odr is believed to be an epithet of Woden) and both are seers, work with pregnancy, and are daughters of Earth goddesses according to lore.
There the commonality stops.
When I asked Frigga about her and Freya she said "that elfin creature?"
Thursday, September 8, 2016
30 Days of Frigga Day 8 Aspects
Variations on this deity (aspects, regional forms, etc.)
While some might suggest that Frigga and Freya are the same goddess, I don't agree but that is a discussion for another time.
I do think, however, that Frau Holle/Hulda is another aspect of Queen Frigga.
Much as the Holly Kind or Father Christmas is another form of Odin, Frau Holle is the wintry, elderly form of Frigga.
Holle, like Frigga, is a hearth Goddess who watches over women, children, and domestic arts such as spinning. Also like Frigga, Holle is kind to those who are diligent and take care while being stern and punishing those that are lazy, negligent, etc.
My association of Frigga with Holle was strengthened when I did a meditation that led to a visitation with Frigga that I talk about on this blog Here.
Holda's Shrine
While some might suggest that Frigga and Freya are the same goddess, I don't agree but that is a discussion for another time.
I do think, however, that Frau Holle/Hulda is another aspect of Queen Frigga.
Much as the Holly Kind or Father Christmas is another form of Odin, Frau Holle is the wintry, elderly form of Frigga.
Holle, like Frigga, is a hearth Goddess who watches over women, children, and domestic arts such as spinning. Also like Frigga, Holle is kind to those who are diligent and take care while being stern and punishing those that are lazy, negligent, etc.
My association of Frigga with Holle was strengthened when I did a meditation that led to a visitation with Frigga that I talk about on this blog Here.
Holda's Shrine
Wednesday, September 7, 2016
30 Days of Frigga Day 7 Epithets
Names & Epithets
Frigga's name means "beloved", and it is cognate to several Indo-European words, variously meaning "to marry", "to love", "wife", and "beloved lady".
To read some of her better known names and epithets, please read my post:
35 Adorations to Frigga
Frigga's name means "beloved", and it is cognate to several Indo-European words, variously meaning "to marry", "to love", "wife", and "beloved lady".
To read some of her better known names and epithets, please read my post:
35 Adorations to Frigga
Tuesday, September 6, 2016
30 Days of Frigga: Day 6
Day 6: Other Related Deities and Entities Associated with this Deity
Yesterday we discussed deities that were directly related to by blood or marriage to Frigga. Today I write about deities that are associated with Frigga through friendship or service.
Frigga has 12 (or 13 depending on source) Handmaidens
Handmaidens could also be called Ladies in Waiting or simply Companions to Frigga.
I believe Lofn's Bard explains it best:
"A Lady-in-Waiting is not a maid or servant, rather a companion and confidante, chosen by the princess or queen from the upper nobility (such as a duchess) or from close childhood friends (usually a sister or cousin). They go where the Queen goes, having freedom of visit to the Queen’s bedchamber, help in choosing clothing for events, receive and answer messages on behalf of their mistress, keep her informed of events and gossip, supervise servants, and discreetly relay messages. They are typically proficient in etiquette, languages, dance, music making, horse riding, painting, embroidery and other queenly pastimes. In Britain, the highest titles they bear are Lady of the Bedchamber and Mistress of the Robes."
So these goddesses should not be considered servants of Frigga but merely lower ranking goddesses that she has in her court as companions.
In my personal experience at Fensalir, I have come across her Handmaidens (note, I spell this capitalized when referring to the Goddess Handmaidens but do not do so when I refer to earthly handmaidens like myself) and usually see them about their work. When I have spoken to them it is at Frigga's bidding - she has made it clear to me that she wishes me to become very well acquainted with each of them and venerate them as I do her.
These Handmaidens usually number 12 and are associated with the zodiac and hours of the day. I have also seen them number 13 and associated with the 13 moons of the year though most refer to 12. That being said I believe that there are more than 13 but understand the desire to number 12 for association and correspondences purposes. Those named in her retinue include:
Lofn's Bard is a great blog that has stories inspired by what lore we have of the handmaidens as well as the author's personal experiences.
Yesterday we discussed deities that were directly related to by blood or marriage to Frigga. Today I write about deities that are associated with Frigga through friendship or service.
Frigga has 12 (or 13 depending on source) Handmaidens
Handmaidens could also be called Ladies in Waiting or simply Companions to Frigga.
I believe Lofn's Bard explains it best:
"A Lady-in-Waiting is not a maid or servant, rather a companion and confidante, chosen by the princess or queen from the upper nobility (such as a duchess) or from close childhood friends (usually a sister or cousin). They go where the Queen goes, having freedom of visit to the Queen’s bedchamber, help in choosing clothing for events, receive and answer messages on behalf of their mistress, keep her informed of events and gossip, supervise servants, and discreetly relay messages. They are typically proficient in etiquette, languages, dance, music making, horse riding, painting, embroidery and other queenly pastimes. In Britain, the highest titles they bear are Lady of the Bedchamber and Mistress of the Robes."
So these goddesses should not be considered servants of Frigga but merely lower ranking goddesses that she has in her court as companions.
In my personal experience at Fensalir, I have come across her Handmaidens (note, I spell this capitalized when referring to the Goddess Handmaidens but do not do so when I refer to earthly handmaidens like myself) and usually see them about their work. When I have spoken to them it is at Frigga's bidding - she has made it clear to me that she wishes me to become very well acquainted with each of them and venerate them as I do her.
These Handmaidens usually number 12 and are associated with the zodiac and hours of the day. I have also seen them number 13 and associated with the 13 moons of the year though most refer to 12. That being said I believe that there are more than 13 but understand the desire to number 12 for association and correspondences purposes. Those named in her retinue include:
- Fulla (Frigga's right hand woman and often referred to as a "sister" or as a lover and I believe her to be the latter)
- Gna (the messenger of the gods who I often witness in a hurry with boyish short hair, often wearing reds browns and blacks in almost industrial or militant look and carrying a messenger bag)
- Eir (The healer of the gods)
- Gefion (Goddess of hardworking, independent women)
- Hlin (the protector and source of refuge)
- Hulda (this is not a traditionally named Handmaiden and could be a reference to Frau Holle who I see as a mask of Frigga)
- Lofn (Protectress of forbidden love)
- Saga (the historian and story teller)
- Sjofin (companion of children and young maidens)
- Snotra (Lady of hospitality and learning, a listener)
- Syn (gate keeper, goddess of the doorway and boundaries)
- Var ("Vower" Oath-keeper)
- Vor (the seer)
Northern Pagan Tradition Handmaidens ShrineLofn's Bard is a great blog that has stories inspired by what lore we have of the handmaidens as well as the author's personal experiences.
Monday, September 5, 2016
30 Days of Frigga Day 5 Genealogy
Members of the family – genealogical connections
The following is what I was able to figure up from the Lore
Frigga is the daughter of Fjorgynn which, according to some, is an epithet for the goddess Jord who, like Nerthus, is considered an Earth Goddess. (If Jord is her mother, then she is also half sister to Odin's son Thor.)
Wife of Odin who she had 2 sons with - Baldr and Hodr.
Baldr married Nanna and bore no children before they died.
Some lore mentions Fulla as Frigga's sister, however, from my own experiences *UPG warning* Fulla is Frigga's companion and lover.
The following is what I was able to figure up from the Lore
Frigga is the daughter of Fjorgynn which, according to some, is an epithet for the goddess Jord who, like Nerthus, is considered an Earth Goddess. (If Jord is her mother, then she is also half sister to Odin's son Thor.)
Wife of Odin who she had 2 sons with - Baldr and Hodr.
Baldr married Nanna and bore no children before they died.
Some lore mentions Fulla as Frigga's sister, however, from my own experiences *UPG warning* Fulla is Frigga's companion and lover.
Sunday, September 4, 2016
30 Days of Frigga Day 4 Favorite Myths
A favorite myth or myths of this deity
I believe my favorite stories of Frigga are those that show her relationship with Odin as they often portray her as a partner equal to him especially when it comes to wits and sneakiness.
Frigga and the Long-beards
When the warring tribes - the Lombards and the Vandals - were fighting over new land, Odin favored the Vandals and Frigga favored the Lombards. From the beginning this sounds like a game of chess with the wits of the gods evenly matched on the battlefield.
Frigga tried to persuade Odin to her side and he, thinking he was being clever and could avoid fighting with his wife and still grant victory to his favorite tribe, declared that he would use all his powers to grant the victory to the first tribe that he saw upon awakening, and slept secure in the knowledge that his bed was facing the Vandals and he was sure to see them first.
While he slept, however, Frigga concocted a plan to outwit her husband. She gathered up the women of the Lombards and carefully combed their hair over their faces to give them the illusion of being men with beards, and placed them outside Odin's window; when he awoke and saw them, he mistook them for their men and was forced to cede the victory to the Lombards after all.
I suppose I enjoy this myth because it reminds me of my own relationship with my husband and how much I enjoy turning the tables on him when he thinks he's being so clever.
Marriage Prayer for Frigg
I believe my favorite stories of Frigga are those that show her relationship with Odin as they often portray her as a partner equal to him especially when it comes to wits and sneakiness.
Frigga and the Long-beards
When the warring tribes - the Lombards and the Vandals - were fighting over new land, Odin favored the Vandals and Frigga favored the Lombards. From the beginning this sounds like a game of chess with the wits of the gods evenly matched on the battlefield.
Frigga tried to persuade Odin to her side and he, thinking he was being clever and could avoid fighting with his wife and still grant victory to his favorite tribe, declared that he would use all his powers to grant the victory to the first tribe that he saw upon awakening, and slept secure in the knowledge that his bed was facing the Vandals and he was sure to see them first.
While he slept, however, Frigga concocted a plan to outwit her husband. She gathered up the women of the Lombards and carefully combed their hair over their faces to give them the illusion of being men with beards, and placed them outside Odin's window; when he awoke and saw them, he mistook them for their men and was forced to cede the victory to the Lombards after all.
I suppose I enjoy this myth because it reminds me of my own relationship with my husband and how much I enjoy turning the tables on him when he thinks he's being so clever.
Marriage Prayer for Frigg
Saturday, September 3, 2016
Devotional Art: Frigga by Jenn McCarty
A devotional piece for Frigga by my friend Jennifer McCarty that I commissioned. Wanted to share as I love devotional art and wish I was more artistic. I crochet and am working on a devotional shawl for Frigga but love having this to hang and look at during prayers and meditations as well as traditional paintings of Frigga herself.
30 Days of Frigga Day 3 Symbols
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drop spindle made by Damon Photo by me |
Symbols related to Frigga
Lore Related Symbols
SpindleSpinning Wheel
Queen's Crown
Birch Tree
the rune Berkana is said to be Her rune
UPG Symbols
Any fiber arts tools such as crochet hooks or knitting needlesBlue flax flowers
Friday, September 2, 2016
30 Days of Frigga Day 2 Becoming a Handmaiden
How did you become first aware of this deity?
2014 I began the journey to get healthier in both my physical body but also my energy body. I also connected with the spiritually minded women in my community. I also began to see and dream of a divine female entity who emitted the vibrations of loving mother, dutiful wife, and diplomatic queen as well as connecting to land spirits at the end of that year when we moved to the marshlands of Meadow Lakes.
Visitations from the female deity continued but it wasn't until the beginning of this year (2016) that I learned that it was Frigga, Norse Goddess, Queen of the Aesir, and Wife of Odin/Mother of Balder. I have never had much connection with the northern traditions or pantheons so it wasn't until I was researching an author I liked that I clicked on link and link and link until seeing the image and name Frigga. That was her!
The recognition and acknowledgement opened a door - more like busted it wide open.
I share this story as well as my entering into motherhood Here
2014 I began the journey to get healthier in both my physical body but also my energy body. I also connected with the spiritually minded women in my community. I also began to see and dream of a divine female entity who emitted the vibrations of loving mother, dutiful wife, and diplomatic queen as well as connecting to land spirits at the end of that year when we moved to the marshlands of Meadow Lakes.
Visitations from the female deity continued but it wasn't until the beginning of this year (2016) that I learned that it was Frigga, Norse Goddess, Queen of the Aesir, and Wife of Odin/Mother of Balder. I have never had much connection with the northern traditions or pantheons so it wasn't until I was researching an author I liked that I clicked on link and link and link until seeing the image and name Frigga. That was her!
The recognition and acknowledgement opened a door - more like busted it wide open.
I share this story as well as my entering into motherhood Here
While I was riding into town the other day, I closed my eyes and tilted my head up to the window to feel the sun full on my face. I was then given a vision of a pile of plain gray river stones all gathered in a pile and on top of that pile was a stone painted with a green rune:
I wasn't sure what to give in offering to Uruz. From what I've read blood is powerful but binding and sometimes too strong especially when just starting out. Finally, I gave milk. I coated the rune in breastmilk, taking care to rub some into the carved rune. That done, I held it loosely. It might have been my own pulse thrumming hard in my hands that I felt, strong and rhythmic as a shaman's drum. I closed my eyes.
I saw a herd of wild cattle with majestic horns. Dark brown fur and large liquid black eyes all around. My eyesight was strange. I had a hard time focusing in front of me. I turned my head and felt weight that was more than my own. I was one of them grazing on a grassy field bordered by mountains not much different than those that rest on the horizon of my home in Alaska.
My hackles rise and something, a scent in the breeze. I turn to see a young one fall to two hungry, lean wolves. The herd moves. We turn as one like a river of fur and deadly horn and hooves. The wolves are trampled. We lost one of ours but the enemy has been dealt with, for now.
I breathe.
The vision changes.
I stand on two feet now, looking at the pile of river stones I saw before when Uruz first came to me. I hear water flowing and see a stream ahead formed from a spring in a wall of rock. I begin to climb that wall. My hands, large and calloused - a man's hands - reach fro a hold in the craggy face of the rock. The sun is hot and I can feel sweat running down my face and back. Round my neck is a necklace made from hemp? horse hair? and beads made from bits of stone and glass. My tunic, the yellow dye faded from wear, clings to my back and is wet with sweat.
I'm breathing hard as I rest my head on the rock. I know not to look down but dread looking up. I'm half-way there.
The sun is covered by clouds and the breeze is suddenly cold. The sweat on my back and neck chills and I keep climbing.
Finally, as the sun, now low on the horizon, peeks back out, I reach the top. My legs and arms are shaky as I collapse on grass. Breathing in deep I smell my own sweat, grass, earth.
I grin, feeling accomplished as I look up into faded blue sky. I run a hand over my face, feeling the beginnings of a beard. Turning my head I see the wild cattle, one looking over me with gentle curiosity and a glimmer of "Do you see now?"
I see.
I wasn't sure what to give in offering to Uruz. From what I've read blood is powerful but binding and sometimes too strong especially when just starting out. Finally, I gave milk. I coated the rune in breastmilk, taking care to rub some into the carved rune. That done, I held it loosely. It might have been my own pulse thrumming hard in my hands that I felt, strong and rhythmic as a shaman's drum. I closed my eyes.
I saw a herd of wild cattle with majestic horns. Dark brown fur and large liquid black eyes all around. My eyesight was strange. I had a hard time focusing in front of me. I turned my head and felt weight that was more than my own. I was one of them grazing on a grassy field bordered by mountains not much different than those that rest on the horizon of my home in Alaska.
My hackles rise and something, a scent in the breeze. I turn to see a young one fall to two hungry, lean wolves. The herd moves. We turn as one like a river of fur and deadly horn and hooves. The wolves are trampled. We lost one of ours but the enemy has been dealt with, for now.
I breathe.
The vision changes.
I stand on two feet now, looking at the pile of river stones I saw before when Uruz first came to me. I hear water flowing and see a stream ahead formed from a spring in a wall of rock. I begin to climb that wall. My hands, large and calloused - a man's hands - reach fro a hold in the craggy face of the rock. The sun is hot and I can feel sweat running down my face and back. Round my neck is a necklace made from hemp? horse hair? and beads made from bits of stone and glass. My tunic, the yellow dye faded from wear, clings to my back and is wet with sweat.
I'm breathing hard as I rest my head on the rock. I know not to look down but dread looking up. I'm half-way there.
The sun is covered by clouds and the breeze is suddenly cold. The sweat on my back and neck chills and I keep climbing.
Finally, as the sun, now low on the horizon, peeks back out, I reach the top. My legs and arms are shaky as I collapse on grass. Breathing in deep I smell my own sweat, grass, earth.
I grin, feeling accomplished as I look up into faded blue sky. I run a hand over my face, feeling the beginnings of a beard. Turning my head I see the wild cattle, one looking over me with gentle curiosity and a glimmer of "Do you see now?"
I see.
Thursday, September 1, 2016
30 Days of Devotion Day 1 Frigga
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FRIXX by deWitte |
Today is Day 1 of the 30 Days of Devotion I am doing for My Lady, Frigga. While today is supposed to be a basic introduction, most of what I could say about Frigga that is "basic" I will be thoroughly covering in later days.
She is the Queen of Asgard, wife of the All-Father and therefore the All-Mother.
She is the lady of the hearth, mother goddess to some, regal lady and keeper of the keys to the hall to others. Silent seer, mourning mother, spinner of wyrd.
I see Frigga as a regal lady at her spinning or talking among her handmaidens to keep order among the high worlds and Midgard. When she wants to be she can be soft and tender to those that come to her, especially towards children. I have seen her caress my son's hair and felt her wrap me in the quilt of her comforting love.
I have also seen her be calculating, demanding, and strict. I would not want to raise her anger.
It is my hope that in the next 30 days I can give a glimpse of the Goddess I adore to those that look to find her face or to see her hands at work.
Northern Pagan Tradition Shrine to Frigga
Thursday, August 25, 2016
Pagan Veiling Mention and Resources
Wanted to share a recent blog post from Danie at Primordial Willow on Pagan Veiling.
Danie has been a Veiling Pagan for several years and has graciously created a great resource list for us in light of the topic being stirred up recently. I was surprised to see my own Pinterest board on Pagan Veiling mentioned and linked here.
I also wrote a blog post over on my professional site about my thoughts on the recent Burkini controversy and its connections to public breastfeeding in the whole world of body autonomy and women's rights. The majority of the post is very pointed images and a discussion I had with some well-meaning but misguided liberal feminists desiring to save brainwashed women from oppression by belittling them.
Danie has been a Veiling Pagan for several years and has graciously created a great resource list for us in light of the topic being stirred up recently. I was surprised to see my own Pinterest board on Pagan Veiling mentioned and linked here.
I also wrote a blog post over on my professional site about my thoughts on the recent Burkini controversy and its connections to public breastfeeding in the whole world of body autonomy and women's rights. The majority of the post is very pointed images and a discussion I had with some well-meaning but misguided liberal feminists desiring to save brainwashed women from oppression by belittling them.
Wednesday, August 24, 2016
Heathen Community, Race, and Gender Constructs
The notorious AFA is at it again...
When I initially read this post on a friend Lee's feed (note, my friend shared an article that spoke out against racism in the Heathen community and this was the picture that showed up in the share that I reacted to) I wasn't sure what to say only that I was reeling from the bs I read.
Someone who is also friends with Lee replied to my response asking if I was "Triggered?" then "Why? Do you equate pride in one's heritage to be racist? Or only when white people do it?"
Before I comment on the topic of racism I want to share the last part of our conversation on Lee's feed:
Me Also, I'd like to add that MY statements had nothing initially to do with race, Dennis, yours did. What triggered me, in fact, was the statement about gender more than race. I find it interesting how triggered you seem. Not to try a stir things up but I did want to make it clear that i found this particular part of the commentary interesting.
Dennis There was a statement of gender in this particular discussion? I missed that. I thought this whole thread was about race. What did I miss?
Me "The AFA believe that gender is not a social construct" is a statement in the picture I commented on and the statement goes on. This was what I was initially responding to.
Lee Perfect example of such confusion. Thank you December for reflecting publicly on that piece - folks have been really embedded here in the discussion on race and racism, while you highlight that the AFA has *so* much more wrong going on.
Dennis I think this is totally a "Can't see the forest for the trees" moment. We got caught up so much with the racial aspect we totally missed the rest of the bullshit.
Now, I want to say that I do not think that Dennis was trolling me at all. I believe he was pushing me to respond intelligently and thoughtfully to my emotional response to the image above (or, as I'm sure now, to the article that was attached to the image which I had not read). This all happened last night and I have had some time to consider the entirety over some coffee and lack of sleep (my son still has a fever as I wrote about in my post about Ullr and we're still coping).
I also want to note that I do not know my cultural background. I am working on my genealogy as part of my ancestor work but there is a lot missing and I cannot say if there is any connection to Northern Europe at all in my bloodline.
With those caveats, I do not believe that race or skin color (note the distinction) should have anything at all to do with religious beliefs. If someone who is white or black, Asian or German or Icelandic in descent is called by the Norse Gods, who am I to say they are the wrong choice? Who are we to question the Gods?
I was asked if I had a problem with people honoring their white ancestors. No.
Honoring the ancestors should not be stigmatized by skin color.
Here again, I want to differentiate between Race and Skin Color. Race, to me, has to do with the cultures and tribes we come from and this did not have to do with skin color for our ancestors. This focus on Race and Not Skin Color can be seen in America during the NINA (No Irish Need Apply) laws and the discrimination against any Immigrants including European ones the disdain for Jews in America even after WWII. These people were not discriminated against regarding the mellanin in their skin but their Race.
Honoring the ancestors does not equate to a specific religion or group of Deities or community.
Many people of many race, skin color, and religion honor their ancestors so I don't see how it can be a matter of debate and how it can be considered discriminatory to honor your ancestors within your religious community.
Now, for a religion community to focus on and revere a group for their skin color above people of other skin colors - this is where things get discriminatory and hinky. I do see how people can be upset about the above picture focusing on the "white children" within Heathenry and be upset, especially given our political atmosphere right now.
Yes, White children are Beautiful as are Black children and Asian children and Latinx children. The focus on white families and children or any specific skin color within a religious group is, in my opinion, inappropriate and counter-productive.
This is what I took issue with.
Do these people even read the stories regarding the Gods they supposedly serve?
Loki (note not the most popular among many Heathens who regard this mischievous God as a sort of Norse Satan and I know some will be like "well of course thats just Loki) crosses the gender boundary by becoming a mare and giving birth to Sleipnir.
Odin himself also crosses the gender barrier when he practices the craft of seidr which is the realm of women and is called out for it in Lokasenna and does not deny it. Here is the King of the Gods, the All-Father, who has no issues with femininity or becoming a woman for a time in order to gain knowledge.
If not the gods then perhaps they hold to Heathenry for its past culture and history, in which I feel they are still ignorant.
What of the women in the battle fields who were described using some of the same adjectives men were described with such as dregilingr.
Many look at the lore and point out that for a man to be called womanly or feminine was an insult while others point out that these conversations were written by Christians after the fact and thus colored by Christians Patriarchal temperament. I cannot say who is right here only that I question a community who holds this, rather than the religious aspects of their community as the mark of how to behave. Do Heathen women that hold to the AFA's attitude view being feminine and a woman to be lowly? If not, then why condone that mentality and encourage this mind-set.
One can also bring on the conversation of why do so many within the Heathen culture promote this concept of a masculine, warrior woman but down play the effeminate wives and mothers of the home? That's a conversation for another day...
1) I personally think its important as a Pagan, Polytheist, and follower of Norse traditions to state that the AFA, Heathen Women, and similar groups who promote prejudice and ignorance do not have beliefs embraced by all of us. I think its important to say this so that people drawn in by our gods don't fear these traditions because of hate speech in the minority.
2) We should always be questioning and challenging ourselves to be better and worthy of our Gods and Ancestors. How else can we do that if we are unwilling to respond to potential catalysts for growth?
We are "Future Ancestors" and our actions and words should strengthen our religions and traditions for our children.
When I initially read this post on a friend Lee's feed (note, my friend shared an article that spoke out against racism in the Heathen community and this was the picture that showed up in the share that I reacted to) I wasn't sure what to say only that I was reeling from the bs I read.
Someone who is also friends with Lee replied to my response asking if I was "Triggered?" then "Why? Do you equate pride in one's heritage to be racist? Or only when white people do it?"
Before I comment on the topic of racism I want to share the last part of our conversation on Lee's feed:
Me Also, I'd like to add that MY statements had nothing initially to do with race, Dennis, yours did. What triggered me, in fact, was the statement about gender more than race. I find it interesting how triggered you seem. Not to try a stir things up but I did want to make it clear that i found this particular part of the commentary interesting.
Dennis There was a statement of gender in this particular discussion? I missed that. I thought this whole thread was about race. What did I miss?
Me "The AFA believe that gender is not a social construct" is a statement in the picture I commented on and the statement goes on. This was what I was initially responding to.
Lee Perfect example of such confusion. Thank you December for reflecting publicly on that piece - folks have been really embedded here in the discussion on race and racism, while you highlight that the AFA has *so* much more wrong going on.
Dennis I think this is totally a "Can't see the forest for the trees" moment. We got caught up so much with the racial aspect we totally missed the rest of the bullshit.
Now, I want to say that I do not think that Dennis was trolling me at all. I believe he was pushing me to respond intelligently and thoughtfully to my emotional response to the image above (or, as I'm sure now, to the article that was attached to the image which I had not read). This all happened last night and I have had some time to consider the entirety over some coffee and lack of sleep (my son still has a fever as I wrote about in my post about Ullr and we're still coping).
A Brief Note on Race and Heathen Community
I want to preface this commentary with I am NOT Folk Tradition Heathen. When I must label my belief system I say Northern Tradition Polytheist as this releases me from the ideas of Lore-based and those assumptions people have of the "Heathen" term. I am also a white American female and cannot pretend that this upbringing has not effected my thoughts when it comes to this topic. I speak from this standpoint and do not claim to understand every point of view in this discussion including the point of view of people of color that are Heathen.I also want to note that I do not know my cultural background. I am working on my genealogy as part of my ancestor work but there is a lot missing and I cannot say if there is any connection to Northern Europe at all in my bloodline.
With those caveats, I do not believe that race or skin color (note the distinction) should have anything at all to do with religious beliefs. If someone who is white or black, Asian or German or Icelandic in descent is called by the Norse Gods, who am I to say they are the wrong choice? Who are we to question the Gods?
I was asked if I had a problem with people honoring their white ancestors. No.
Honoring the ancestors should not be stigmatized by skin color.
Here again, I want to differentiate between Race and Skin Color. Race, to me, has to do with the cultures and tribes we come from and this did not have to do with skin color for our ancestors. This focus on Race and Not Skin Color can be seen in America during the NINA (No Irish Need Apply) laws and the discrimination against any Immigrants including European ones the disdain for Jews in America even after WWII. These people were not discriminated against regarding the mellanin in their skin but their Race.
Honoring the ancestors does not equate to a specific religion or group of Deities or community.
Many people of many race, skin color, and religion honor their ancestors so I don't see how it can be a matter of debate and how it can be considered discriminatory to honor your ancestors within your religious community.
Now, for a religion community to focus on and revere a group for their skin color above people of other skin colors - this is where things get discriminatory and hinky. I do see how people can be upset about the above picture focusing on the "white children" within Heathenry and be upset, especially given our political atmosphere right now.
Yes, White children are Beautiful as are Black children and Asian children and Latinx children. The focus on white families and children or any specific skin color within a religious group is, in my opinion, inappropriate and counter-productive.
Heathens, Pagans, and Gender Constructs
So here is where I was initially focused when it comes to the image above.
"The AFA would like to make it clear that we believe gender is not a social construct, it is a beautiful gift from the holy powers and from our ancestors. The AFA celebrates our feminine ladies, our masculine gentlemen..."
This is what I took issue with.
Do these people even read the stories regarding the Gods they supposedly serve?
Loki (note not the most popular among many Heathens who regard this mischievous God as a sort of Norse Satan and I know some will be like "well of course thats just Loki) crosses the gender boundary by becoming a mare and giving birth to Sleipnir.
Odin himself also crosses the gender barrier when he practices the craft of seidr which is the realm of women and is called out for it in Lokasenna and does not deny it. Here is the King of the Gods, the All-Father, who has no issues with femininity or becoming a woman for a time in order to gain knowledge.
If not the gods then perhaps they hold to Heathenry for its past culture and history, in which I feel they are still ignorant.
What of the women in the battle fields who were described using some of the same adjectives men were described with such as dregilingr.
Many look at the lore and point out that for a man to be called womanly or feminine was an insult while others point out that these conversations were written by Christians after the fact and thus colored by Christians Patriarchal temperament. I cannot say who is right here only that I question a community who holds this, rather than the religious aspects of their community as the mark of how to behave. Do Heathen women that hold to the AFA's attitude view being feminine and a woman to be lowly? If not, then why condone that mentality and encourage this mind-set.
One can also bring on the conversation of why do so many within the Heathen culture promote this concept of a masculine, warrior woman but down play the effeminate wives and mothers of the home? That's a conversation for another day...
Why Does It Matter?
Some ask why bother responding to drivel like that spewed by the AFA? Why not just ignore it so it will go away much like the statement of "don't feed the rolls"?1) I personally think its important as a Pagan, Polytheist, and follower of Norse traditions to state that the AFA, Heathen Women, and similar groups who promote prejudice and ignorance do not have beliefs embraced by all of us. I think its important to say this so that people drawn in by our gods don't fear these traditions because of hate speech in the minority.
2) We should always be questioning and challenging ourselves to be better and worthy of our Gods and Ancestors. How else can we do that if we are unwilling to respond to potential catalysts for growth?
We are "Future Ancestors" and our actions and words should strengthen our religions and traditions for our children.
Tuesday, August 23, 2016
Meeting Ullr
My son is running a fever. I believe its in connection to teething as he might be getting one of his eye teeth (K9 teeth) earlier than expected and they "stomach teeth" as my family calls them, tend to be the most problematic with teething symptoms such as fevers and diarrhea. I share this because I am stressed out about it. My son, other than the little bit of colic during his first weeks, hasn't been sick and I'm always wondering if this is a bad thing for his immune system. Now that he has a fever I'm blending my natural remedies with allopathic medicines my relatives press upon me along with prayer and energy healing.
I've asked Frigga for aid as she is not only My Lady but also the Goddess of mothers and children. I go to her for this sort of thing rather than Eir who I see more as the healer of wounds and the nurse at the battle field.
When I went to Frigga she gave me comfort and my son but also said that I should not worry, that he was protected. I assumed she meant by her.
When I came back down from Fensalir, I meditated while nursing my son and allowed myself to journey to my own astral spaces where I can keep calm, tether myself when journeying, etc. In one of these spaces in an anchor I created when I was pregnant for a shield for my son. Here I can tend to his shielding and care and it is usually a smallish, dark space dominated by the egg that is my son and his shield for his energy body.
I was stunned when I entered this space to find my darling egg was not alone. I do not even allow my husband here. This place is sacred and, to me, like a womb. To find someone within was startling and put me in a predatory, protective mind-set I don't know that I've felt before.
There, beside my son was a man kneeling. He held onto a pole like a staff only thin, and was dressed in furs. Over his long, wind-swept, dark hair he wore a cap and I could not readily make out a face through his dark beard.
I know I said something along the lines of "how dare you be here" and demanded he tell me who he is and what he wanted while at the same time determined to make him leave. When he looked up I knew he wasn't human. I wondered a moment if he was Odin, my husband's Patron deity, who I would have understood somewhat being present as my husband too is worried about our son.
I knew, as soon as I had the thought, however, that I was wrong.
The God grew and grew. His hands were massive and he stood so tall I had to crane my head back to see him. I asked again, frightened this time, who he was.
He then turned and left.
Shaken I tended to my son and wondered where I had heard the name before.
My research on Ullr came up successful in that he does exist and others work with him but scant as to why on hearth he would be watching over my son.
Ullr is the god most known for skiing and archery as well as winter.
Some believe, due to archaeological finds and traces, that Ullr might actually be older than the gods. It is likely that his "mask" or aspect that we know of now is one developed over time and he has evolved from something much more primal such as a god of winter, darkness, even death.
While lore says he is the son of Sif and could have connections to Thor, Egill, and Svipdag, others feel these might be the faint reachings of Christians trying to place a God they otherwise can't wrap around.
He is also a god of oaths and his oaths are ones made over rings.
None of the above explains a connection to my son who is Autumn-born and too young for winter activities much less hunting. I then wondered if he was there to speak to me as I am both a child of winter and an amateur archer married to an adept hunting archer and my protective instinct warded him off before we could connect.
I do intend to attempt a connection again when I have more energy. For now I am recuperating after little sleep and much stressing over my wee one.
Ullr's Shrine
I've asked Frigga for aid as she is not only My Lady but also the Goddess of mothers and children. I go to her for this sort of thing rather than Eir who I see more as the healer of wounds and the nurse at the battle field.
When I went to Frigga she gave me comfort and my son but also said that I should not worry, that he was protected. I assumed she meant by her.
When I came back down from Fensalir, I meditated while nursing my son and allowed myself to journey to my own astral spaces where I can keep calm, tether myself when journeying, etc. In one of these spaces in an anchor I created when I was pregnant for a shield for my son. Here I can tend to his shielding and care and it is usually a smallish, dark space dominated by the egg that is my son and his shield for his energy body.
I was stunned when I entered this space to find my darling egg was not alone. I do not even allow my husband here. This place is sacred and, to me, like a womb. To find someone within was startling and put me in a predatory, protective mind-set I don't know that I've felt before.
There, beside my son was a man kneeling. He held onto a pole like a staff only thin, and was dressed in furs. Over his long, wind-swept, dark hair he wore a cap and I could not readily make out a face through his dark beard.
I know I said something along the lines of "how dare you be here" and demanded he tell me who he is and what he wanted while at the same time determined to make him leave. When he looked up I knew he wasn't human. I wondered a moment if he was Odin, my husband's Patron deity, who I would have understood somewhat being present as my husband too is worried about our son.
I knew, as soon as I had the thought, however, that I was wrong.
The God grew and grew. His hands were massive and he stood so tall I had to crane my head back to see him. I asked again, frightened this time, who he was.
He then turned and left.
Shaken I tended to my son and wondered where I had heard the name before.
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Boksta Runestone |
Ullr is the god most known for skiing and archery as well as winter.
Some believe, due to archaeological finds and traces, that Ullr might actually be older than the gods. It is likely that his "mask" or aspect that we know of now is one developed over time and he has evolved from something much more primal such as a god of winter, darkness, even death.
While lore says he is the son of Sif and could have connections to Thor, Egill, and Svipdag, others feel these might be the faint reachings of Christians trying to place a God they otherwise can't wrap around.
He is also a god of oaths and his oaths are ones made over rings.
None of the above explains a connection to my son who is Autumn-born and too young for winter activities much less hunting. I then wondered if he was there to speak to me as I am both a child of winter and an amateur archer married to an adept hunting archer and my protective instinct warded him off before we could connect.
I do intend to attempt a connection again when I have more energy. For now I am recuperating after little sleep and much stressing over my wee one.
Ullr's Shrine
Monday, August 22, 2016
Divine Sex: Intimacy with Gods
This is a topic that I've avoided, struggled with, and hid away for a while now. I kept quiet about it because I know full well the majority of the people I know, even the Pagans, Heathens, and Witches that I associate with, will think I am crazy or desperately seeking attention. I know this because I've seen how the community response to others who have said "I have/have had sex with a god." I've seen them called attention-seekers, drama queens, wanting to look special, and "crazy as shithouse rats" (that last one was the most recent statement within the local Heathen community regarding godspouses).
So here I am, dealing with my insecurities and writing despite being outright uncomfortable. Why am I putting myself through this?
As with most of what I write whether its on religion, parenting, or even my works of fiction - I write because this is what I have looked for in the past. I sought out information about those who have relations with the gods and, thanks to my dear friend Lee Harrington, was pointed in the right direction. I read voraciously but I didn't find any resources detailing exactly what I was going through. So I returned to the advice I was given in writing class - write what you want to read.
My first intimate experience with a god was in 2012. I was in a phase of wanting to "collect" attunements. This sometimes happens with people after they receive their first attunement (for me it was in Reiki) and they become almost addicted to the feeling. I then got attuned to Sekhem, then Sekhmet Sekhem, etc. During this collection I was offered a free Anubis Energy Attunement. I accepted it without a moment's hesitation.
At the time I worked predominantly in the nude before a candle-lit altar (all mystical sounding of course...I was dramatic then). I had a very strong experience with the attunement in which I was sitting before Anpu who was holding me by the shoulders while Dehuti (Thoth) was behind me tattooing symbols into my back with a stylus. After the attunement was finished, I felt buzzy and tired at the same time but nothing was abnormal. I grounded, ate some dinner with my husband, and went to bed.
That night I was visited by Anpu who was forceful and intimate. While I wasn't asked for consent, I didn't feel violated, only overwhelmed by the whole experience. When I woke, I was dazed. I told my husband and searched online for other who had the experience - found nothing. The few people I asked about it assumed it was "just a dream" and probably meant to be taken symbolically. Others said that it probably meant that Anpu was my patron deity and meant to work with. Neither of these explanations felt true to me. I felt alone and a little crazy.
My path winded down the spiral and my beliefs shifted and transformed. I became a handmaiden of Frigga who I turn to when I have questions now. While my first experience wasn't forgotten, it became like many things that have happened to me in my religious life - an entry in my book of shadows to contemplate if/when I needed to.
Then I asked Frigga about the moon. I wanted to write for a publication regarding the moon, specifically about how some cultures view the moon as masculine and others see it as feminine. Like many of the Norse gods, there wasn't much written on the moon god Mani and so I went to Frigga.
Frigga sat spinning the ancient runes and magic into the life of Midgard, smiling knowingly at me with a nod as I asked her. She then sent me, with few words, to Mani himself.
When I went to him, he was very gentle and very affectionate. This became my second encounter with a god that was sexual without any warning or intention on my part.
With Anpu I had been...for lack of better phrasing...rode hard and put up wet. I woke groggy and felt unnerved. With Mani it was completely different. I slept soundly and woke rested and could still feel his gentle caress on my neck and face.
However, after all was said and done, I felt both enlightened and confused.
My husband offered an explanation - that by being intimate with me, he was fully sharing himself so that I could have a better idea of who he was than any conversation or reading could give me - that this was a way the gods can convey information and teachings.
I think this makes sense but also find it strange that even though I am bisexual, I've only ever had these experiences with masculine deities.
I emailed modern polytheist expert Galina Krasskova about my questions. I was nervous about emailing someone I didn't know and look up to as a pagan and author but I felt like if I was going to ask someone, it was best to ask someone who knew what they were talking about.
My biggest question was about the fact that in both cases of this happening to me, I didn't get any sort of consent question before hand or really any warning. Was this just the gods taking what they wanted or felt they deserved as gods?
Galina answered very succinctly:
"Consent is given, imo, when you approach the Gods. it's not like you're going to a frat party after al where a higher, holy Power is expected to ask at each step if this is ok. It doesn't work that way. had you said "Stop" I suspect Mani would have done."
This felt very true and made sense to me. I was glad I asked.
So here I am, dealing with my insecurities and writing despite being outright uncomfortable. Why am I putting myself through this?
As with most of what I write whether its on religion, parenting, or even my works of fiction - I write because this is what I have looked for in the past. I sought out information about those who have relations with the gods and, thanks to my dear friend Lee Harrington, was pointed in the right direction. I read voraciously but I didn't find any resources detailing exactly what I was going through. So I returned to the advice I was given in writing class - write what you want to read.
Cupid & Psyche by Rodin |
At the time I worked predominantly in the nude before a candle-lit altar (all mystical sounding of course...I was dramatic then). I had a very strong experience with the attunement in which I was sitting before Anpu who was holding me by the shoulders while Dehuti (Thoth) was behind me tattooing symbols into my back with a stylus. After the attunement was finished, I felt buzzy and tired at the same time but nothing was abnormal. I grounded, ate some dinner with my husband, and went to bed.
That night I was visited by Anpu who was forceful and intimate. While I wasn't asked for consent, I didn't feel violated, only overwhelmed by the whole experience. When I woke, I was dazed. I told my husband and searched online for other who had the experience - found nothing. The few people I asked about it assumed it was "just a dream" and probably meant to be taken symbolically. Others said that it probably meant that Anpu was my patron deity and meant to work with. Neither of these explanations felt true to me. I felt alone and a little crazy.
My path winded down the spiral and my beliefs shifted and transformed. I became a handmaiden of Frigga who I turn to when I have questions now. While my first experience wasn't forgotten, it became like many things that have happened to me in my religious life - an entry in my book of shadows to contemplate if/when I needed to.
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Mani by V.E. Hardy |
Then I asked Frigga about the moon. I wanted to write for a publication regarding the moon, specifically about how some cultures view the moon as masculine and others see it as feminine. Like many of the Norse gods, there wasn't much written on the moon god Mani and so I went to Frigga.
Frigga sat spinning the ancient runes and magic into the life of Midgard, smiling knowingly at me with a nod as I asked her. She then sent me, with few words, to Mani himself.
When I went to him, he was very gentle and very affectionate. This became my second encounter with a god that was sexual without any warning or intention on my part.
With Anpu I had been...for lack of better phrasing...rode hard and put up wet. I woke groggy and felt unnerved. With Mani it was completely different. I slept soundly and woke rested and could still feel his gentle caress on my neck and face.
However, after all was said and done, I felt both enlightened and confused.
My husband offered an explanation - that by being intimate with me, he was fully sharing himself so that I could have a better idea of who he was than any conversation or reading could give me - that this was a way the gods can convey information and teachings.
I think this makes sense but also find it strange that even though I am bisexual, I've only ever had these experiences with masculine deities.
I emailed modern polytheist expert Galina Krasskova about my questions. I was nervous about emailing someone I didn't know and look up to as a pagan and author but I felt like if I was going to ask someone, it was best to ask someone who knew what they were talking about.
My biggest question was about the fact that in both cases of this happening to me, I didn't get any sort of consent question before hand or really any warning. Was this just the gods taking what they wanted or felt they deserved as gods?
Galina answered very succinctly:
"Consent is given, imo, when you approach the Gods. it's not like you're going to a frat party after al where a higher, holy Power is expected to ask at each step if this is ok. It doesn't work that way. had you said "Stop" I suspect Mani would have done."
This felt very true and made sense to me. I was glad I asked.
Friday, August 19, 2016
30 Days of Deity
I saw this on Galina Krasskova's Blog, which she got from Felix Culpa's Tumbler and I wanted to share here. I intend to do this for Frigga and will be contemplating my answers until Sept 1 when I put up my first post. I thought about waiting until December or January but I wanted to do this now and might revisit the meme again for one of Frigga's handmaidens or another god/dess later on.
- A basic introduction of the deity
- How did you become first aware of this deity?
- Symbols and icons of this deity
- A favorite myth or myths of this deity
- Members of the family – genealogical connections
- Other related deities and entities associated with this deity
- Names and epithets
- Variations on this deity (aspects, regional forms, etc.)
- Common mistakes about this deity
- Offerings – historical and UPG
- Festivals, days, and times sacred to this deity
- Places associated with this deity and their worship
- What modern cultural issues are closest to this deity’s heart?
- Has worship of this deity changed in modern times?
- Any mundane practices that are associated with this deity?
- How do you think this deity represents the values of their pantheon and cultural origins?
- How does this deity relate to other gods and other pantheons?
- How does this deity stand in terms of gender and sexuality? (historical and/or UPG)
- What quality or qualities of this god do you most admire? What quality or qualities of them do you find the most troubling?
- Art that reminds you of this deity
- Music that makes you think of this deity
- A quote, a poem, or piece of writing that you think this deity resonates strongly with
- Your own composition – a piece of writing about or for this deity
- A time when this deity has helped you
- A time when this deity has refused to help
- How has your relationship with this deity changed over time?
- Worst misconception about this deity that you have encountered
- Something you wish you knew about this deity but don’t currently
- Any interesting or unusual UPG to share?
- Any suggestions for others just starting to learn about this deity?
Tuesday, August 16, 2016
35 Adorations to Frigga
35 Adorations to Frigga
I adore you, All-Mother
I adore you, Queen of Asgard
I adore you, Lady of Fensalir
I adore you, Daughter of Fjorgynn
I adore you, Leader of Handmaidens
I adore you, Hlidskialf Enthroned
I adore you, Key-Bearer
I adore you, Heron-Crowned
I adore you, Gold-Girdled
I adore you, Beloved Lady of the Aesir
I adore you, Head of the Home
I adore you, Patroness of Marriage
I adore you, Grieving Mother
I adore you, Solicitor of Oaths
I adore you, Harrowed by Mistletoe
I adore you, Wielder of the Distaff
I adore you, Cloud-Spinner
I adore you, Wyrd-Weaver
I adore you, Divine Midwife
I adore you, Bearer of Berkana
I adore you, Lady of Silver Birches
I adore you, Frith-keeper
I adore you, Domestic Goddess
I adore you, Guardian of the Hearth
I adore you, Bearer of the Mead of Hospitality
I adore you, Protectress of families
I adore you, Comforter of children
I adore you, Keeper of Odin's secrets
I adore you, Silent Seer
I adore you, Patient Partner of a Wanderer
I adore you, She who soothes the wandering king
I adore you, cunning Wife and warrior in the battle of words.
I adore you, Lady of the Langobards
I adore you, One who smiles on the lowly
I adore you, Throne-Guardian alongside brothers
You can find this and more writings about and to Frigga at the Northern Pagan Tradition Shrine.
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Frigga by Samantha Johnson |
I adore you, Queen of Asgard
I adore you, Lady of Fensalir
I adore you, Daughter of Fjorgynn
I adore you, Leader of Handmaidens
I adore you, Hlidskialf Enthroned
I adore you, Key-Bearer
I adore you, Heron-Crowned
I adore you, Gold-Girdled
I adore you, Beloved Lady of the Aesir
I adore you, Head of the Home
I adore you, Patroness of Marriage
I adore you, Grieving Mother
I adore you, Solicitor of Oaths
I adore you, Harrowed by Mistletoe
I adore you, Wielder of the Distaff
I adore you, Cloud-Spinner
I adore you, Wyrd-Weaver
I adore you, Divine Midwife
I adore you, Bearer of Berkana
I adore you, Lady of Silver Birches
I adore you, Frith-keeper
I adore you, Domestic Goddess
I adore you, Guardian of the Hearth
I adore you, Bearer of the Mead of Hospitality
I adore you, Protectress of families
I adore you, Comforter of children
I adore you, Keeper of Odin's secrets
I adore you, Silent Seer
I adore you, Patient Partner of a Wanderer
I adore you, She who soothes the wandering king
I adore you, cunning Wife and warrior in the battle of words.
I adore you, Lady of the Langobards
I adore you, One who smiles on the lowly
I adore you, Throne-Guardian alongside brothers
You can find this and more writings about and to Frigga at the Northern Pagan Tradition Shrine.
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