Tuesday, September 6, 2016

30 Days of Frigga: Day 6

Day 6: Other Related Deities and Entities Associated with this Deity
Yesterday we discussed deities that were directly related to by blood or marriage to Frigga. Today I write about deities that are associated with Frigga through friendship or service.

Frigga has 12 (or 13 depending on source) Handmaidens

Handmaidens could also be called Ladies in Waiting or simply Companions to Frigga.
I believe Lofn's Bard explains it best:
"A Lady-in-Waiting is not a maid or servant, rather a companion and confidante, chosen by the princess or queen from the upper nobility (such as a duchess) or from close childhood friends (usually a sister or cousin). They go where the Queen goes, having freedom of visit to the Queen’s bedchamber, help in choosing clothing for events, receive and answer messages on behalf of their mistress, keep her informed of events and gossip, supervise servants, and discreetly relay messages. They are typically proficient in etiquette, languages, dance, music making, horse riding, painting, embroidery and other queenly pastimes. In Britain, the highest titles they bear are Lady of the Bedchamber and Mistress of the Robes."
So these goddesses should not be considered servants of Frigga but merely lower ranking goddesses that she has in her court as companions.

In my personal experience at Fensalir, I have come across her Handmaidens (note, I spell this capitalized when referring to the Goddess Handmaidens but do not do so when I refer to earthly handmaidens like myself) and usually see them about their work. When I have spoken to them it is at Frigga's bidding - she has made it clear to me that she wishes me to become very well acquainted with each of them and venerate them as I do her.

These Handmaidens usually number 12 and are associated with the zodiac and hours of the day. I have also seen them number 13 and associated with the 13 moons of the year though most refer to 12. That being said I believe that there are more than 13 but understand the desire to number 12 for association and correspondences purposes. Those named in her retinue include:

  • Fulla (Frigga's right hand woman and often referred to as a "sister" or as a lover and I believe her to be the latter)
  • Gna (the messenger of the gods who I often witness in a hurry with boyish short hair, often wearing reds browns and blacks in almost industrial or militant look and carrying a messenger bag)
  • Eir (The healer of the gods)
  • Gefion (Goddess of hardworking, independent women)
  • Hlin (the protector and source of refuge)
  • Hulda (this is not a traditionally named Handmaiden and could be a reference to Frau Holle who I see as a mask of Frigga)
  • Lofn (Protectress of forbidden love)
  • Saga (the historian and story teller)
  • Sjofin (companion of children and young maidens)
  • Snotra (Lady of hospitality and learning, a listener)
  • Syn (gate keeper, goddess of the doorway and boundaries)
  • Var ("Vower" Oath-keeper)
  • Vor (the seer)


Northern Pagan Tradition Handmaidens Shrine
Lofn's Bard is a great blog that has stories inspired by what lore we have of the handmaidens as well as the author's personal experiences.

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