Monday, October 24, 2016

Does Witchcraft have a place in Devout Polytheism?

I've been asked this and pondering it for a little while now and want to first say - I cannot answer this question for all polytheists, traditions, belief systems, religions, or witches. That is between you and your Gods. I can only answer this for myself.

For me, the answer is yes, witchcraft does have a place in my Northern Pagan Tradition polytheism, specifically within my place as an earthly handmaiden to Frigga. One of the best ways to explain it, I think, would be to share with you a piece of my practice with Frigga.

A woman I know only through friends was in the hospital. Her baby was born early and was in NICU. I felt strongly that I should pray for her, even though we had never met. I went to Frigga and I asked that she lay her hands on this mother and child, to heal the child or, of the threads of Wyrd say that the child must not be with us in Midgard for long, that She ease the child in a painless passing and give the mother strength and compassion.
Frigga said she would be there for the woman and child, but that I must do the work. Nothing comes for free.
She instructed me in the making of a cap for the child and in a poppet and carrier for the mother. The cap was easy but I had no idea what I was doing with the poppet. The carrier was crocheted out of white wool (I used white acrylic for the cap for fear the baby might have a wool allergy). It was a small pouch, about the side of my palm, with a long strap so that the mother could wear it or hang it near the bed. I gave instructions to my husband to carve a wooden poppet in the form Frigga showed me. I then took it and carved on the belly the rune Berkana and coated the poppet in chamomile and a blessing before putting it within the carrier. I sent the piece on its way and knew that Frigga would be there with them.

The creation of a magical poppet or items of protection and healing are prime examples of witchcraft.
For an example of manifestation or modern, new age, or energetic witchcraft:

I decided to get back to work on creating a business around 6 months after my son was born. I felt ready. I also felt a little scared because I wanted to be successful, to do good in the world, to live my purpose. I went to Frigga to ask for guidance and help. She told me to stop reading tarot at events - my largest source of income before I had my son. This was not what I had in mind when I asked for help. I asked what I should do if I couldn't read the tarot at events. She said for me to trust Her, do her work helping other spiritual mothers, and to focus on my writing. She would see me through it if I had faith and did what she told me to do.
I said my affirmations, wrote them down, envisioned myself as a successful spiritual adviser to other mothers. I did all the manifestation ju ju I could think of and I had faith in my Lady.
It worked. Not only do I now have the first draft of a book I know in my heart will not only sell but touch the hearts of other mothers in the world but I am also making money writing articles in areas that I feel passionate about, I have a new method of tarot reading that is more beneficial to clients than any event reading could be, and am even taking a class on returning divination to an act of sacred service with a teacher I have long admired. All that in 6 months and I'm only just starting.

To me, our Gods might guide us, comfort us, protect us, teach us, etc. However, we have to do the work and, for some of us, that work is witchcraft.


  1. i think your final sentence says it all. :)

  2. I tend to see witchcraft as a specialty practice...not everyone's going to want do it or have the skill for it, but some will and those people are useful to their Gods and their communities. Thanks for sharing your own experience in helping your friend.
