At the beginning of this week I learned about a woman who had her baby too early and both were in the hospital. I am not a particular fan of this woman - she has been very disrespectful to a friend of mine and to my goddaughter to the point of cussing and being vulgar to the latter (who is 12).
That being said, when I learned of her situation I did ask Frigga if she would watch over the baby and perhaps help the woman to be a better mother to this child than she has been to her other children (long story).
In northern fashion, Frigga's attitude was very much "what would you do for me in return?"
I asked what she wanted -
"Let me hold your son and caress his hair."
Knowing that Frigga would never hurt my son, I agreed, however, that wasn't the end of it.
She said she would help them but I would have to do some work. She then gave me a glimpse (a brief vision) of what she needed me to make. We had a back and forth because the first vision - there was just no way for me to obtain those materials. Finally we settled on a piece that was doable...
I then argued that there was no way I would have time to create what she wanted AND get it to my friend who was taking things to this woman at the hospital. Frigga put her foot down so I figured I would get started on the project and simply do a little now and finish whenever.
My son had the LONGEST NAP he has ever had that day. Nearly 2 hours with brief interludes where he woke just enough to nurse then went right back to sleep. During this time I barely remember anything. I crocheted, fed and held my son, and I know I had a brief conversation with one of my in-laws but I don't remember the content of that conversation at all.
I finished both projects - the hat for the baby and the poppet carrier for the mother.
That evening, my husband created a birch goddess poppet that I then blessed with chamomile and the rune Berkana as directed by Frigga. My husband took both to my friend the next day to be delivered.
Friday, January 29, 2016
Friday, January 1, 2016
A Welcome to Motherhood and Handmaidenhood from Frigga

I conceived my son on New Years Eve of 2015 and gave birth on October 9th. This not only makes him a Ram of the Chinese Zodiac but also a Libra. I have my work cut out for me as a new mom with a little boy who, at the time of this writing, is 3 months old, is already frustrated he can't walk, and believes the best way to get my milk to let down is to head-but my breast like a goat.
If you were to ask the teenage or early-twenties version of me, I never thought I would be a mother. I considered myself a pretty selfish person who didn't like children and wanted to spend her life traveling, writing, and reading while drinking copious amounts of tea. Then again, if you were to ask the teenage version of me if I would ever fall in love and get married, I would have said no, that dating was just fine - I met Lover when I was 18 and married him when I was 21.
Its strange to think of this as most of my friends that I've made since moving to Alaska in 2012 have said they always thought I was a very maternal sort of person who they knew would make a great mom. When I told them I didn't want kids until 2013, they were surprised.
2013 was a big change for me in many ways, not only because I was still adjusting to life in the great wild North, but because I also had my first pregnancy and experience the pain an grief of miscarriage that year. I mention it now, not to have anyone feel bad for me but because it was a catalyst for some major changes in my life.
2014 I began the journey to get healthier in both my physical body but also my energy body. I also connected with the spiritually minded women in my community. I also began to see and dream of a divine female entity who emitted the vibrations of loving mother, dutiful wife, and diplomatic queen as well as connecting to land spirits at the end of that year when we moved to the marshlands of Meadow Lakes.
Visitations from the female deity continued but it wasn't until the beginning of this year (2016) that I learned that it was Frigga, Norse Goddess, Queen of the Aesir, and Wife of Odin/Mother of Balder. I have never had much connection with the northern traditions or pantheons so it wasn't until I was researching an author I liked that I clicked on link and link and link until seeing the image and name Frigga. That was her!
The recognition and acknowledgement opened a door - more like busted it wide open.
Frigga is here and she has something to say - this blog is part of that.
As the Disclaimer says and this intro implies - this is a blog of my own experiences with Frigga and her handmaidens. This is not based on lore or the re-constructionist heathen beliefs. I hope that if you're reading this that you will keep an open mind.
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